Thursday 31 May 2012

Modern Warfare 3 review

Call of Duty has yet again released another game that fans love but me on the other hand thought that the series should of ended at Black Ops. I've played Call of Duty since Call of Duty 2 came out, and thought the series was good until I ended up playing Modern Warfare 3. I found that the game had it funs aspects compared to the other ones but this one was made for multiplayer only. The storyline in the game took my less then 4 hours on my first playthrough and it was dissappointing. For modern warfare 3, they had some fun missions and hard ones when playing on Veteran but it also seemed like I was running threw the game still. It took me 3 days of playing to get by Black Ops on Veteran and for Modern Warfare 3 it only took me one day. The game was made for multiplayer only because it  has added everything new into the multiplayer such as some new gagets, weapons, attachments. Call of Duty will have its moment to me and it has so far they have for me I just find this game is getting to repettitive.

Monday 28 May 2012

Halo reach review

Well it's about time i got around to doing a Halo Reach Review since the new Halo 4 is coming out soon, Halo Reach is hands down my favourite Halo game of all time, they put in the new assassinations for combat which I love, and they added alot of cool guns like the DMR or it's an advance battle rifle. Halo reach also has a great storyline added in for a prequel, but like any prequel they have more advanced stuff that you can do that you simply cannot in the following up storyline which makes no sense to any plot. In the overall view of game play, the game runs smoothly and it very simple controls to learn, so anybody can pick up a controller and have a great time. To jump in the multiplayer, will be frustrating for people at the first times on halo because of skill lvls against others. Some people on multiplayer cannot stop getting head shots and I on the other hand get them 3 out of 4 shots. If your new to Halo and I would recommend playing the campaign to get a feel for the controls first and then play against a friend for a little while before going into online.

Thursday 17 May 2012

Devil May Cry 4

Devil May Cry 4 is a very great hack and slash games that I have played. Alot of other players have disagreed but they think that it has too many cut scenes but after the first couple a missions the cut scenes starts to die down. The game play in this game is really easy to start out. You can do alot more in this game then the others but if you have not played the other 3 games then this game is very easy to get use to. Sword swings would be with 1 button with a mix of others for special attacks, and the same for other weapon uses. The games storyline on the other hand is not very well mixed in. The game focuses too much on the characters trying to be baddass instead of trying to improve the story to much. My experience with this game turned out to be "it's an okay game" at first to " I hate this game" about halfway through when I played the forest and got lost. After I picked up the controller again my experience became that "I now love this game."

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Kindoms of Amulur

     Kingdoms of Amulur has a great story line and a game play like Fable. The graphics on the other hand are my baddass then Fable. The first weapons in this game look sick and every other weapon in this game looks great. The story line however is a little bit on revenge and nothing else. At the first of the game you are dead and these dwarfs drop you into a well a souls. It ends up bringing you character to life and you become tracked down by this army. Near the end of the game, you go to war with your allies against this army to go in and kill this overpowered god. You on the other hand have your on superpowers. The character in the game have a belief into fate. That fate controls everything in their lives. You on the other hand were suppose to be dead but the well of souls changed everything and gave you the power of freedom over fate. You can then go around changing everyone's plan that fate has to offer and it is called the trends of fate. Well if you like games like fable and if you like role playing games. I would recommend for you to go out and get this game.

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Battlefield 3 Multiplayer Summary

Batllefield 3 has it's glitches like any other  multiplayer game but it also has some of the best multiplayer combat experience of all first person shooters. If you play this game alone, you are going to hate it more then anybody else, but if you play with at least 1 squadmate. this game starts to get fun until you have a complete squad to chat with and work out strategy against other squads.  Ripping down buldings and anything in your path or get wiped out as a squad and remain a squad threw games. then your experience will increase at greater times.

terarria review

Terarria the game made for all kinda of purpose. this game is a free roaming and has lots of room to explore around. in this game you can go anywhere and destroy anything which makes this game so addicting to see all the different possibilities to explore. this game also has enemys and alis. the alis sell you stuff that will help you out on your journey and enemies try to kill you once you are away from your household or stronghold. In this game also has a feature to make the game a little more intense is to go on hard mode and with that your house and certain blocks around the corruption in the game will collide and create more. there are ceartain blocks to save you in this gaame so choose wisely and game on.